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Beautiful, young Black woman in her mid-20's with lovely skin and a head full of curly hair. She is turned to the side, against a tan backdrop, and is looking at the camera.

Curly, Coarse, and Wavy Hair

Dark green square with rounded corners and a white graphic of a cross section of skin, showing a hair coming out of a follicle.

I've tried everything and there doesn't seem to be a good solution for my hair. 

Electrolysis may be exactly what you need. Depending on the removal method used, curly, coarse, and wavy hair can grow back causing even more problems than you originally had. Any type of epilation (removal by the root) should be avoided. 

Dark green square with rounded corners and a white graphic of a cross section of skin, showing a hair coming out of a follicle.

I had electrolysis before and the hair just kept growing back. 

Naturally curly/wavy or hair with a distorted follicle from having been waxed repeatedly can be harder to treat. Your electrologist should use the appropriate method and settings for your skin and hair to ensure good results. Sticking to your treatment plan is also essential to hair removal success. 

Dark green square with rounded corners and a white graphic of a cross section of skin, showing a hair coming out of a follicle.

I have bumps with actual ingrown hairs in the beard area. 

You may be experiencing what's known as Psuedofolliculitis Barbae. During regrowth, coarse beard hair can easily loop back into the skin and cause an ingrown hair. In some cases, it may not come out of the follicle at all, becoming completely trapped under the skin.

Dark green square with rounded corners and a white graphic of a cross section of skin, showing a hair coming out of a follicle.

How do I know if I have Pseudofolliculitis Barbae?

Only a medical doctor can diagnose a skin condition. However, if you are Black male and/or you have curly/wavy hair, you are at an increased risk of having this occur. 

Dark green square with rounded corners and a white graphic of a cross section of skin, showing a hair coming out of a follicle.

If it is Pseudofolliculitis Barbae, can electrolysis help?

Most likely, it can! With electrolysis, we can target the area and the very follicles that are giving you the most trouble. If left untreated, Pseudofolliculitis Barbae can actually lead to the formation of keloid scars.

Dark green square with rounded corners and a white graphic of a cross section of skin, showing a hair coming out of a follicle.

I get ingrowns on the back of my neck at the hairline, especially after a haircut.

This may be what's known as Pseudofolliculitis Nuchae. Same concept as Pseudofolliculitis Barbae, 

just on the back of the neck. Electrolysis can safely be done in this area, as well, but only below where your hairline stops.  

Dark green square with rounded corners and a white graphic of a cross section of skin, showing a hair coming out of a follicle.

My hair grows in all different directions and shaving is so difficult. 

The curls and waves we observe in hair above the skin actually originates under the skin within the hair follicle itself. This causes it to come out of the follicle at all sorts of angles, making shaving a real pain. Removing these unwanted hairs permanently may be your best course of action.

Dark green square with rounded corners and a white graphic of a cross section of skin, showing a hair coming out of a follicle.

No matter what I do, I end up with dark spots (hyperpigmentation). 

Curly, coarse, and wavy hair are often associated with darker skin tones. Ingrown hairs and hyperpigmentation are two very common side effects from some of the most popular hair removal methods. Electrolysis, when done properly, can alleviate all of these issues. 

Dark green square with rounded corners and a white graphic of a cross section of skin, showing a hair coming out of a follicle.

I frequently struggle with ingrown hairs in the genital region. 

 This can be a common problem for those with curly, coarse, and wavy hair as well. See the Intimate Areas page for more information.

***Please note that I do NOT provide electrolysis services for men on the lower half of the body. 

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