
There's hair on my upper lip that I am sick of waxing! Can electrolysis help?
Certainly! No matter what color the hair is, electrolysis is effective and can permanently rid you of this issue!

Weird hairs pop out randomly on my chin. I just keep tweezing them.
This is so very common and begins for lots of women in their teen years! If you find yourself plucking the same few hairs over and over, electrolysis can easily free you from your tweezers!

I have quite a few chin hairs. It's SO embarrassing.
You are not alone. Many women experience this and it's completely treatable with electrolysis! After your treatment has been completed, you will regain the smooth skin that you had before this became an issue. It IS possible!

What about eyebrows? I am tired of tweezing/waxing the same area!
Electrolysis is perfect for eyebrows! We can remove just the hairs that would normally get waxed or tweezed. This includes under and above the brow and even in between for the perfect clean up. Thinning of the eyebrows is not recommended in most cases but can be discussed at your consult.

I have a unibrow and I don't want to constantly deal with hiding it!
No worries! Electrolysis is the solution you are seeking. We can safely remove only the hair you want removed and shape your brows into what you've always wanted them to look like!

My cheeks and sideburn areas seem to be sprouting peach fuzz!
You may actually experience this across most of your face. Many women do. It can be related to menopause (especially if it's peach fuzz or even dark hair) or could just be genetic. Electrolysis is effective either way.

I have thicker, darker, beard-type hair popping up on my face!
This could be due to menopause or it may be related to Hirsutism or PCOS. We can do electrolysis to rid you of this hair. However, a visit to the doctor may be in order to determine if there is an underlying medical condition causing the hair growth.

What about underarms? I'd love to not have to shave them constantly!
Electrolysis is fantastic for underarms! Get ready to toss your razor and pull out your sleeveless tops!

I have really dark hair on my arms and/or hands. It's embarrassing.
Lots of women experience this. Some like to keep their arms covered and are self conscious of people looking at their hands. These are both areas where electrolysis can be beneficial.

What about the breast and bikini areas?
Electrolysis is wonderful for hair removal in these sensitive areas. Please look over the Intimate Areas page for answers to many of the commonly asked questions. I am happy to answer any other questions related to this at your consultation.

There's hair on my stomach and a line of it between my belly button and bikini area!
This is also very common for many women! Oftentimes it is dark and the hair can grow long. Electrolysis can easily rid you of this unwanted hair.

I have long hair on the inside and back of my thighs that is similar to pubic hair!
Similar to the hair that grows outside the "bikini area" that you may battle during swimsuit season, the same hair can grow further down the legs. Many women have these and they are easily remedied with electrolysis!

What about leg hair?
If you are a candidate for laser, I recommend you begin with that to reduce the amount of overall hair that you have. We can clean up what is left with electrolysis. For those unable to do laser, it is possible to have electrolysis done to remove the leg hair. It will simply take a while longer to do so.

Toe hair...is that a thing?
Some people have it and some don't. If you do and you're tired of shaving it, rest assured, we can remove it!

I have hair in an area that wasn't covered here that I would like to have removed.
I am happy to discuss any area of concern at your consultation. People often come in for one thing and end up asking about other areas, once they are comfortable. There's nothing new under the sun. Just ask. You're probably not the first to do so!